Maluti TVET College is a Technical Vocational Education & Training Institution operating under the auspices of the Department of Higher Education and Training. The College is accredited by Umalusi and several Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs). The Department of Higher Education and Training was formally established by law in terms of the Presidential Minute No.690 of 06 July 2009 and under Proclamation No.44 of 01 July 2009, the concurrent functions under the FET Colleges Act, 2008 were transferred to the Minister of Higher Education & Training. The Department of Higher Education & Training comprises of Public TVET Colleges, Public Universities, National Institutes of Higher Education, Trade Testing Centres, Skills Development Institutes and SETAs. The mandate of the 50 public TVET Colleges is to steadily increase the number of students enrolled and trained in priority and critical skills areas putting FET Colleges at the centre of skills development challenge in South Africa. The specific focus of public TVET Colleges is to address the skills shortages in South Africa; by offering relevant and responsive vocational and occupational programmes. ![](/__local/6/21/67/FF7092C00AE1D611FD3E64762C8_AF7B42A9_4978F.png?e=.png) ![](/__local/3/D2/06/AD143365C1833F2541F40DA8223_A613CB7E_544F9.png?e=.png)